APCO News 2011
November 2011: Vista SP Certification complete!
We are happy to announce that our Vista SP EN.B 3-liner glider has successfully completed the certification.
Sizes Small Medium and Large have been confirmed by Air Turquoise laboratory.
for more:
click here
November 2011: Guided Mayday Folding and packing Video
Apco's Guided Mayday - steerable emergency parachute - has been a great success for a few years now.
Following many requests, we now have an online video aiding repacking sequence which might be helpful -for the video,
click here
Please remember video is intended only for pilots familiar with folding process and folding the chute should be under professional supervision of certified parachute rigger.
for more:
click here
November 2011: World Media News & Reviews
Professional media worldwide has been asking for more and more product to review - all of them are receiving high praise.
The German Paramotor Magazine issue 2/11 featured Force and had only only good things to say about it - for full review
click here.
The leading Japanese paragliding magazine - Paraworld - also featured Force -
click here for article
French Magazine Parapente+ checked our latest Blade full pod harness. Roland Wacogne liked it very much - full article
click here
Michel Ferrer visited Israel and APCO premises this Spring and had a chance to check out the facility first hand -
read what he has to say...
Noel Bertrand (French journalist and well known pilot) checked out Vista II SP - we were informed that he was excited by the wing - the evaluation article will be printed soon - will be uploaded to our facebook page when available.
Finally, Israel 21 - Israeli independent TV channel featured APCO last month -
see a short clip of their impressions
for more:
click here

The last THRUST upgrade was in 2009. Feedback accumulated and experience gained, led us to introduce improvements to make this excellent wing even better - as a result THRUST III is born.
In line with our design philosophy, THRUST III now is equipped with SRS (Stall Recovery System) as standard, in addition to HIT valve and FLEXON batten.
for more:
click here
June 2011: Vista II Sport
Intended to continue the Vista legacy, this totally new wing has been completely redesigned and fully equipped to meet the challenges of today's market.
Using the 3 line concept (saving of more than 100 m. lines) + drag reducing bullet risers and minimal drag integrated hook up points were our tools of choice to achieve Performance Improvement of over one point in L/D compared to Vista.
for more:
click here
Febuery 2011: Twister 18 MKII
It was a difficult challenge to make the new wing better than the original and the result is a more refined, further improved version of Twister.
Dressed in the same striking, eye-catching color design - Twister 18 MKII draws the attention of pilots and the crowd.
We are certain it will catch your eye too.
Keeping all the virtues of Twister, it now also features:
- Improved Infinity tumbling
- More stable helico with less twist tendency
- Smoother G forces
- Higher energy wing
- Latest evolution of Flexon™ battens design
- HIT Valves ®
- Bridged solid L\E
for more:
click here

After having the Force S and M out for more than a half year, we are now finally ready with Force L. Targeting heavier pilots and for use with trike.
Force proved to be a huge success. We expect that launching Force L, stretching the weight range to 185 kg, will allow more pilots to discover the advantages of this exceptional wing.
The Force L comes with all improvements and upgrades recently introduced on Force S and M.
We are confident that the Force L will proudly continue the legacy of APCO Force. The load test is scheduled soon...
for more:
click here
January 2011: FUN 42 MKII - Double Your Fun!!!
Over the last 2 years of service, we collected enough feedback on FUN 42 MKII to have a clear idea what should be improved to perfect our well liked tandem into a true champion of the skies.
The aim for this project was to update the launch and ground handling with significantly reduced brake pressure. Combined with highly refined, more precise, direct and immediate handling, while maintaining same or better performance than FUN 42 MKII
(Fun 42 is one of the best glide ratio tandem gliders around)
Judging by feedback, we have fully succeeded in achieving the goals of the project . The glider was thoroughly tested by professional tandem pilots in Oludeniz, Turky (world reknowned tandem site) and recieved thumbs up!!
for more:
click here
October 2010: BLADE :: APCO's first competition harness
The BLADE stands out for its comfort, finish and clean lines. The drag reduction of BLADE is among the best in its class. The weight of the BLADE harness is on a par or lighter than most popular competition harnesses available today, but without compromising on its durability or safety.
BLADE will appeal to pilots who prefer a classic pod harness, offering total comfort, maximum security, world class drag saving, blended with stylish design and loads of extras.
for more:
click here
October 2010: Purpose built wing and emergency parachute for paramotor Trikes
We all have probably noticed the shift of trends on the market.
Paramotor flying is continuing to expand, leading also to new flourishing tandem trike market. Most paramotor manufacturers now offer trikes too - single and tandem . Their popularity is definitely on the increase. We at APCO noticed this, and decided that the time is right for purpose built emergency parachute and appropriate wing for the emerging paramotor trike market.
We are proud to announce a beefed up and heavily reinforced version of Play 42 MKII for loads up to 340 kg.
Play 42 UL built to accommodate the majority of paramotor trikes on the market.
To complete the UL range, we are offering the
MAYDAY 28 UL, a new pioneering emergency parachute, specially designed for trikes - single and tandem.
for Mayday UL certification test movie:
click here