APCO News 2008
August 2008: Apco releases Thrust HP 2009!!!
The Thrust HP 2009 project mission was to improve the already popular Thrust HP into an even greater wing,
renamed THRUST HP 2009 (or for short THRUST HP '09).
The HP has claimed many fans worldwide and was received exceptionally well by pilots and media.
It is indeed our best paramotor wing - and now even better!!
for more:
click here
May 2008: The new Tandem Glider from Apco FUN FOR TWO!!!
The best things are always worth waiting for.
Finally APCO launches its latest, long-awaited tandem glider - FUN For Two, purpose built for professional, free flying tandem pilots.
It is a true successor to our well beloved Futura 42.
FUN 42 is the finest tandem wing APCO has developed and we have no doubt it will be the market's best seller for years to come.
It is designed to offer the best performance around (matched only by the legendary performance of the Futura 42), loaded with all the features to fulfill the wishlist of every tandem pilot
for more:
click here
April 2008: NEW THRUST 2009 !!!
Thrust has claimed worldwide fame as one of the most desirable paramotor wings. After serving for a number of years it is time to launch a new, updated version of this great wing.
It is based on the philosophy of Thrust, but we have incorporated all the latest, cutting edge materials and innovations to make it a better performing, longer lasting, easier handling, much lighter wing.
for more:
click here
April 2008: The new movie "LIFT" by ACROTWINZ
A new boundary breaking movie by the Acrotwinz filmed in Chamonix, France, Italy, Turkey, U.S.A and Israel.
for more:
click here
Chairbag has been on the market for over a year and it is a great success.
Now, a new lightweight harness - Chairbag Integral - is added to the range.
It shares all the good qualities of the Chairbag, but a number of further improvements have been built into the harness.
It comes with integrated emergency parachute compartment under the seat and built -in bridle for a clean looking emergency parachute connection.
for more:
click here
In line with the market appetite for lightweight equipment, APCO announces fresh, cool additions to our emergency parachute range:
Mayday 16 Light (LT) - 1,490gr. for maximum load of 100kg. and
- Mayday 16 Superlight (SLT) - 1,220gr. for maximum load of 100kg.
designed for pilots who wish to keep their equipment extremely light.
The time proven classic DHV certified Mayday 16 from APCO has undergone an intensive diet !!!
for more:
click here
Our plastic line keepers, which are also were common to many other paragliding brands, have been redesigned for 2008 to provide proper protection for lines and remain firmly in place.
The new line keepers are redesigned to securely lock in the quick link, they are made from tough, rugged, high quality plastic. Properly securing lines and riser with no chance of getting lost.
It is just a small detail, but we believe attention to detail counts. Thats how in the end the big difference is achieved.
We are confident that this little improvement will make the difference and reduce the level of irritation over insignificant things which don't work properly.
Fly safe and enjoy.
January 2008: APCO GADGETS
Starting 2008 safety minded - a new promotional item - mobile phone / key strap - now available from APCO.
You may think its just another promotional gimmick.
Indeed it is designed to reinforce APCO's name, but as always with APCO there is added value - the strap has a Paragliding Preflight check printed on it.
It is designed to remind pilots of the sequence of steps before take off, insuring safe flight.
We believe this will make sure that no pilot will forget to buckle up, have helmet on, verify conditions right and launch is clear.
The strap is supplied as a free gift with every glider and is available for all customers.
Trust it will improve the safety of our sport - it is our modest contribution.
December 2007: The International Paramotor Tour of Brazil.
An exciting Brazilian Paramotor tour,
A once in a lifetime adventure - a personalized paramotor rally at Brazilian Coastline - One of the most experienced paramotor pilot in Brazil is going to guide of the tour, and together with you, exploring the coast of Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.
For more details see:
November 2007: New Photograph Incentive.
How would you like to receive up to 1000$ for doing what you do every weekend anyway?

Sounds good, right?
All you have to do is just take your camera with you when you go flying and send us your best Apco photos!
We at APCO will select and distribute the photos to the Paragliding/Paramotoring magazines.
The photographer will be credited by his name.
For every picture published APCO will reward the pilot who submitted it with cash prizes and his name will be posted on our "Apco's Photographers Hall of Fame".
for more:
click here
October 2007: Apco's Twister on top of the World rankings!!!
Apco is proud of the achievements made by our Twister Acro wing.
Twister won the 2007 ACRO World Cup - achieving First place overall in the Solo category and the Second place overall in the Synchro category.
Apco team pilot Pal Takats took First place overall in the Solo category of the ACRO World Cup, consistently proving superiority by combining Pal's flying skills and APCO's Twister wing.
In the Synchro category - APCO's team of Pal Takats and Gabor Kezi - won Second Place Overall in the ACRO World Cup, both flying matching Apco Twisters.
To conclude the 2007 season, the Apco Twister has won numerous Acro competitions around the globe and placed itself as one of the best Acro gliders on the market today, proving once again that Apco Aviation is setting future standards.
Twister is available in 16 and 18 sizes.
See here for:
Detailed APWC Solo results Detailed APWC Synchro results
October 2007: New!!!! The movie Flying the Holy Land now available!
Our new 30 minutes movie "Flying the Holy Land" has been released. Staring the ACRO synchro team, Pal Takats and Gabor Kezi, an action packed movie of flying, D-Bagging and ACRO over the breathtaking scenery of Israel, the Holy Land.
The movie is available at your local Apco dealer.
To preview the 3:30 minutes Short Version:
click here
August 2007: Twister's winning streak in ACRO competitions!
at Paranoia Acrobatixx in Zell am See, Austria , held this summer (part of AWC), Pal Takats and Alexandra (Szasza) Grillmayer (both APCO ACRO pilots) participated. Pal Takats took First place by a good margin, ahead of Rodriguez and other stars from Spain and South America.
Alexandra Grillmayer (also from Hungary) stood on the podium for Ladies First Place.
For Paranoia Acrobatixx official results:
click here
August 2007: New from Apco-GUIDED MAYDAY
New from APCO!!! Rogallo type steerable rescue system!!!
Fully certified by CEN to the new EN norm and approved for up to 130kg.
Finally we are launching G-MD (Guided MayDay)specially designed for the most discriminating pilot, allowing for maximum control over events in case of emergency (glider failure etc.)
G-MD mainly targets pilot segment specialising in high risk applications - ACRO, industry professionals and competition pilots, but is equally appealing to the general pilot market.
G-MD deployment sequence designed to function with or without cut-off system for the main wing. Accordingly it is also attractive to weekend pilots thanks to the simplicity of use, combined with advantages offered by steerable gliding rescue system
- Glides with L/D of ~1.5 - instead of high sink rate vertical descent
- Fully steerable - in same fashion as paraglider, allows for choice of landing places
- Very low sink rate
- High deployment reliability
- Ultra fast opening with low deployment shock
- Good flaring capacity on landing
- Exclusive to APCO - Competitive pricing
- Comes complete with brake handles and bridle/riser
G-MD |
Area |
37 m2 |
Gores |
16 |
No. of Lines |
25 |
Weight kg |
2.9 |
Load kg |
60-130 |
Sink Rate |
2.8 m/s (90kg) |
Forward Speed |
15 k/h (90kg) |
Glide |
~ 1.5 |
CEN Certification |
According to EN 2491 up to 130kg |
G-MD Demo deployment video available

August 2007: Apco Chairbag harness is fully certified by DHV!
The harness received the approval of DHV and passed the certification tests with flying colors. It is certified including the Airbag protection and achieved outstanding results (the Airbag's protection capacity is well above minimum required by DHV.