APCO Technology Features
ABS: Automatic Balance System
stabilizes the wing , cancelling roll movement, "planting" the pilot under the center of the canopy.
Reducing drag, 100 times over
BR2: Bullet Riser 2
Reducing of riser drag by 80% and more
Hit Valves: High-Speed Intake Valves
Equipped on L/E for rock solid stability find out
SRS: Stall Recovery System
Allows to the wings ability to fly and launch at amazingly low speed and
the most effective tool in aiding automatic wing recovery in case of a stall
OAA: One Action Acceleration
Allows to simultaneously operate both the speed system and the trimmer for optimized angle of attack at any given speed
APP: Automatic Pressurising Profile
Increasing an internal pressure and stability when accelerated

FBS: Flexon® Batten system
Insuring perfect profile shape
BBP: Air Extreme Ball bearing Pulleys ®
It's the small details that make the big difference!
ARO: Aspect Ratio Optimization
WSS: Wind Scoop System
Laser Cutting & Signed wings
Magnetic Attachment Grid
Integral, built-in, Neodymium Brake Magnets with male/female connection
Designed by APCO in cooperation with a large polycarbonate specialized company - danpal.com
3D cut
A special additional cut. Inserted into the leading edge of the wing, it results in a cleaner, more aerodynamic shape to the leading edge, in the inflated shape during flight.
Flow Aligned Ribs (FAR - pat. pending)
A conceptual change in the way paragliders have been designed until today (Apco and the rest of the industry).
Butt Holes 2 is the second generation of our original Butt Holes - exit points for debris from inside the wing